

UNDP China 联合国开发计划署 2022-09-23

图 /乔展,联合国开发计划署驻华副代表

James George, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in China




Distinguished guests and colleagues, good morning!


First, I would like to extend a warm welcome and thank you for joining us today for the launch of the UNDP-Vanke Foundation "Zero Waste" Community Development Project.

全球废弃物危机是我们最紧迫的挑战之一。全世界每年产生超过 20 亿吨的城市固体废弃物,足以填满超过80万个奥林匹克赛事规模的游泳池。

The global waste crisis is one of our most urgent and pressing challenges. Each year the world produces over 2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste, enough to fill over 800,000 Olympic sized swimming pools.


The world is producing twice as much plastic waste as two decades ago with the bulk of it ending up in landfills, incinerated or leaking into the environment – polluting our oceans and swamping our cities.


Sadly, only 9% are being successfully recycled. As our societies have become more urban and more affluent, consumption of consumer goods has increased.


This is further straining the planet’s already limited resources and generating unsustainable quantities of waste.


In China’s cities, highly dense populations and scarce land resources have led to traditional landfills being overwhelmed.

由于城市产生的废弃物以每年 5-8% 的速度增长,预计三分之二的城市很快就会被垃圾包围。

Two-thirds of cities are soon expected to be surrounded by garbage, as the volume of urban waste produced increases by 5-8% annually.


Mountains of waste dumped on land, in streams or burned is not just a critical issue for human health, wildlife and the environment - it also inhibits our ability to address the climate crisis effectively and comprehensively.

例如,塑料垃圾在其生命周期的每个阶段都会排放温室气体。2019年,全球塑料释放了18亿吨温室气体到大气中。预计到 2050 年,这一数字将增加两倍多,达到约66亿吨。这个比例相当大,是全球碳预算的 15%,也就是《巴黎协定》限制范围内能允许的温室气体排放量。

Plastic waste for example produces greenhouse gas emissions during every stage of its lifecycle. In 2019, 1.8 gigatonnes of greenhouse gas were released into the atmosphere from plastics. This is projected to more than triple by 2050 to approximately 6.6 gigatonnes – a whopping 15% of the carbon budget, or the amount of greenhouse gas permitted while keeping within the Paris Agreement limits.


Without environmentally sound waste management that can reduce carbon emissions, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will remain unattainable. Rising global temperatures, biodiversity loss and ecosystem breakdown due to climate change threatens our global ambitions to end poverty, hunger and create lasting peace for all.


Moving to a circular economy model – one that keeps resources in use for as long as possible works to reduce waste before it is produced and treats waste as a resource – is therefore essential.


UNDP is committed and actively working with countries globally on their green transformation journey, advising on how to integrate zero waste and circular economy models into their growing needs for sustainable waste generation and waste management.


Improving our waste management is a complex challenge, but action can and must be taken. By producing less, consuming less and better managing existing waste to prevent further pollution, we can bring about change. 


I am delighted that UNDP is joining hands with the Vanke Foundation through the GEF Small Grants Programme to launch a zero-waste community development project. With the help of our NGO partners and local communities, this project will help mobilize a range of stakeholders, especially within communities, to rethink, redesign, reduce and recycle household waste.


By promoting community governance and bridging interests across different parties, local NGOs will play a key role in effective waste sorting, promoting waste as a resource and advocating for policy change and legislation with the aim of lowering waste management’s carbon emissions.


At UNDP, we recognize that the challenge of adequately managing our waste cannot be solved by one group alone.


We need all sectors– government, the private sector, NGOs and communities – to work together to help reform and reframe the way our economy, lifestyles and societies treat and generate waste. 


Only by changing our collective behavior can we reduce our environmental footprint and manage waste pollution at the source. I am confident that the new projects supported by this initiative have the potential to inspire this kind of action.




I hope they can further boost policy deliberation, leverage partnerships, and rally actors across China to address the waste challenge and mobilize more communities to adopt a circular economy model. In closing, I would like to thank the Vanke Foundation for partnering with us and supporting this important initiative. 

I wish you success in every stage of the project.

Thank you!

In Case You Don't Know...联合国开发计划署:作为联合国最大的全球发展网络,联合国开发计划署在世界范围内超过170个国家和地区开展工作,致力于减少贫困消除不平等实现包容性与可持续发展我们协助各国优化政策制定、增强协作能力与制度建设能力,并提高各国的适应能力,从而实现可持续发展目标。 


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